A recent survey has found that more than a third of Americans find Sunday the toughest night to fall asleep.
This certainly backs up our survey research which found more than half of those questioned thought Mondays were the toughest day to tear themselves away from the might of their mattress. Not surprising if we’ve been kept up all night on Sunday dreading the coming week.
So what stops us sleeping on a Sunday? Is it what lies ahead for the working week, a barrage of emails sat waiting for us, too many late nights or over-indulgence of food and alcohol?
According to sleep expert Dr Chris Idzikowski there is some scientific justification too. We go to bed later on Fridays and Saturdays and lie in longer meaning that we start to reset the internal body clock – and some of us are a lot more sensitive to such changes! By Sunday night we’re finding it harder to get to sleep earlier and get up earlier on Monday morning. The solution is, of course, to keep to regular bedtimes and consistent get up times.
Other tips to help you fall asleep easier on a Sunday night are:
• Limit caffeine early afternoon and avoid alcohol.
• Enjoy a Sunday stroll – exercise can help relieve the day’s stresses and strains. But not too close too bedtime or it may keep you awake!
• Write down any worries. Getting your concerns out on paper before trying to sleep may help.
• Sunlight can reset your body’s internal clock, so try to get 15 minutes of sunlight in the morning.
• Your environment can make a big difference. A cool, dark, comfortable room can help you fall asleep.
• Make sure your bed is up to scratch – not sure if it is? Take our Bed MOT here.
• Natural sleep supplements may help some people relax and fall asleep.